General Location

The township of Bastak covers an area of approximately 5653.4 square Kilometers north of Bandar Lengeh. It is located 10’3’’ N and 54’23’’ W. Bastak, which is 255 kilometers from Bandar Abbas is 400 meters above sea level. From the North it has access to Lorestan, from the east, to Bandar Abbas, from the West to, lamard, and from the south, to Bandar Lengeh. Mount Gavbast, which is 2165 meters high, is in this township. Important rivers in this region are the Mehran, Shoor, Bastak, and Rooidar. Because it is quite far from the sea, the weather is quite warm and dry like other parts of southern Iran. The population numbers about 57,512.

Bastak has 3 districts, 1city, and 7 rural districts, which include:

The central  districts: city of Bastak. Dehtal, Godeh, Fotovvieh rural districts.

The Jenah district: Farmarzan, Jenah, Harang rural districts.

The kookherd district: Harang and Kookherd rural districts.

Historical monuments and tourist attractions

Bastak Carevanseray

Located of beginning of the Bastak- larestan road, it was built during the early Qajar period. The building is square and the rooms surround the central courtyard. 

Trevelers used to rest in this carevanseray during their travels.

Bastak  carevanseray (Abbasi)

This carevanseray is  located on the eastern side of Bastak’s Azadi Square. It belongs to the Saffavid Era. The structure has two Porches and two stables on the eastern and western sides of the building.

Bastak Jame Mosque

One of the beautiful mosques in the province is the Bastak Jame Mosque built by Mohammad Saleh with the donations of somone called Bibi. It has gone through several renovations. One of the eye-catching characteristics of this mosque is its beautiful plaster work.

Khan Bath

The khan Bath is at the beginning of Bastak’s Pasdaran street. It was built by Solat Al-Molk, it belonges to the Qajar era. The best architects were brought in for the job. The bath has 14 large and small domes. What’s special about this bath is that the cold water pipes run through the walls. In many ways the bath is similar to the Ganjali khan bath in Kerman, but in smaller dimensions.

Dehong aqueducts 

Dohong is the center of Godeh rural district. There are many valuable sites in this region. One of the most important is that of the ‘seven aqueducts’ which date back to the Zoroastrian period.

The Grave of Sheikh Ahmad Sheikh Rashed Madani

This grave is in the city of Bastak near the old graveyard on Niroo Havaeei Boukevard. It is said to have been built in the year 1369 ( on the Muslim Lunar Calender) by Mostafa Khan Fayez Bastaki. But an inscription in the mosque says it was bult in 1264 on the Muslim Lunar Calender.

The Tomb of Seyyed Mozaffar Kookher.

One of the beautiful structures in Bastak is the tomb of Seyyed Mozaffar. Known as “Do Gonbadan”. The style of the dome is “Overchin” which has been beautifully built over the tomb.

Mostafavieh School

This is considered to be one of the oldest schools in Iran. It was built in the year 1301 ( on the Muslim Lunar Calender) by a Bastaki businessman, known as Haj Sheikh Mostafa Abdul-latif. The doors of the school and classrooms are made of special type of wood, with stained glass inlays.

Jenah Museum of Anthropology

One of the most valuable places in Bastak is the city’s Museum of Anthropology. This museum is one of the few run by the private sector. It was opened by the efforts of Abdul-rahman Abdullahi. It has 6 galleries, which include old coins, old faming equipment, cooking utensils, local costumes, etc

Bastak’s Bazaars

Bastak’s Bazaars is made up of three small bazaars, which are connected to one another. Dating back to the Qajar period, two of them form a rectangle with the shops on the two sides. Beside every shop there is a place to sit. The other one is square and was built in 1295 (on the Muslim Lunar Calender) and features unique architecture.


On the banks of the Mehran River, 5 kilometers from Bastak, there are a series of structures with a beautiful natural view. It is considered one of the area’s major tourist attractions. The water mills are among the attractive structures in this place.

 Fariab Hot Springs

The Fariab Hot Springs are located 25 kilometers from Bastak. The springs’ sulfuric water comes out of cracks in the limestone.

Fotovvieh Hot Spring

 The source of this spring is between Larestan and Bastak. Beside the spring, pools have been built where people can bathe. The water of this spring is also used by farmers.

Todrooye Hot Springs 

The Todrooye Hot Springs play host to numbers of visitors everyday. Tourist accommodations, including lodging, have been built around the springs.

Some of Bastak’s other tourist attractions include Fariab and Todrooye village, Bene Na Dar Mosque, Gary Kooh, Koohij, Rodbar Tower, Ghal’eh Khan, Kalat, Bahare, Astab, Khenjoo Fortress, the Tomb of Abdul Rahman Sheikhg, the Terneh Canal, Abul Fath Khan Carevanseray, etc.


The handicrafts of each region help its economic and industrial development in addition to creating jobs. Handicrafts also provide a major attraction for tourists. Bastak offers a variety of handicrafts. The most important is considered to be aba weaving.

Aba weaving One of the most important handicrafts of Bastak is the ‘Aba’. Most of these Abas are exported to other Persian Gulf countries. They are usually made out of wool.

Chador Shab Weaving Chador Shab weaving is done in some of Bastak’s villages. Those who are active in this field are busy all

year round.

In this art, fabrics are interwoven with decorative silver braid or ‘Khos’. y Pottery Pottery is one of the most important handicrafts in the villages around Minab. The most significant handicraft is a type of water jug called the “Johleh”. It is round and has a cylindrical neck. The name is dependent upon the shape. bei Golabatoon Creating beautiful designs with golden braid on fabric is called ‘Golabatoon’. Local women use this art to decorate their clothes.

Local Dishes


Ingredients: Onions, fish, eggs, tomato paste 

instructions: Pan-fry the sliced onion. Then add the fish, eggs, and tomato paste. After the ingredients are fried till lightly brown, add water and simmer. The dish is eaten with bread or vinegar.


Ingredients: Groats, Wheat flour, Fish, Eggplant, Tomato paste, Salt/pepper 

Instructions: Cook the groats and stir-fry the flour in oil. Add the browned flour to the groats with a little water (to make a thick sauce). Fry the eggplants separately and add. Cut the fish into small pieces and add to the mixture along with tomato paste, salt and pepper. Allow to simmer. 


Ingredients: Red lentils, Coriander, Garlic, Tomatoes, Lemon juice, Salt/pepper Instructions: Cook the onions. Add coriander, garlic, and tomatoes. After these are done, add lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Other local dishes include Dikhi, Mosamma, and Ghatogh Mashvaki.

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