
Iran for variety of climate, peaks and valleys has a biodiversity value. Diverse mountains deserts and plains and etc habitates, All refuge for species diversity at the national level and beyond political borders and international level are important. While are considered the natural heritage at each country and identify the areas of natural resources.

In addition to protecting the basic fundamental of it must be properly planned and use the nature of this regions in order to earn money and improve the livelihood of local communities in rational and reasonable way.

The growing population and the need to develop at all levels reflect the need to protect these areas and also protection regardless of the basic needs of local communities in each region, will not be any stable protection. The balance between human activities and the natural environment is at the main aims of protected areas. Miankaleh, with national and international titles is one of areas that is historically and biologically has biodiversity values of the site and special. In this series we have tried to becoming familiar (feature) natural features wildlife sanctuary and international wetlands of Miankaleh.


Miankaleh to the natural features has been known as a wildlife habitate and hunting ground and resorts in last centuries. The remains, relics and historic buildings reflect the historical reality in Miankaleh.

Miankaleh in the past had considerable huge diversity specially mammals such as red deer. Leopard, wolves and cheetahs.

In memories of a prince of Qajar to Miankaleh is written that he had hunted 35 caspian tigers. Gradual change in the  wetland  ecosystem in long term under the influence of human factors and natural factures . finally it created its natural face thwt undoubtedly is more different  than it was before, but also as a refuge habitate for much of its diversity is important.

Miankaleh area included (Miankaleh peninsula-wetlands and Bay Miankaleh ) in 1971 among the first four areas selected as a protected area and wildlife refuge and within the rules and regulations these areas were managed.

In1974 the wetland was recorded as international Ramsar convention and considered as part of 22 wetlands of Ramsar convention. The wildlife sanctuary Miankaleh dungeons Biosphere  reserve in 1975 on the world wide application devoted and has been registered as one of the countries nine save stays.

Miankaleh as a wetland of Ramsar convention: Wetland international convention or the Ramsar convention in 1971 was held in Ramsar, Mazandaran province. The main objective of that is the collaboration and cooperation of all member states in order to protect wetland habitate has significant role in maintaining and supporting of the biodiversity of any country and eventually the world is biological diversity.

Also impelled governments to identify their most important wetlands with reasonable and rational exploitation of local communities forum of NGOs and other stake holders in their management of the wetlands in their agenda.

Using the knowledge and experience of other states parties of the Ramsar convention, as well as financial and technical assistance from other countries are of the supports of the convention of the member countries.

157 countries are now members of the Ramsar convention. Wetlands Miankaleh including Zaghmarz, Shirkhan and Ghalehpalangan dikes. With an area of thousands of acres of wetlands for the Ramsar convention, has been recorded as one of the sites of this convention.

Miankaleh as Biosphere reserve one of the main programs (number 8)  Unesco man and Biosphere (MaB) which was conducted in 1970 to allocate a portion  of the natural resources of the worlds global network of  Biosphere reserve.

Based on Edwars classification system the entire surface of the Earth’s climate devided to 8 life climates, 14 biomes and 224 biogeophically provence’s and a network of natural areas in the world that still have significant biodiversity and represents one until and index of the system and presence of human in the absence of proper planning and operation can be destructive choose as areas prone to run Biosphere reserve while maintaining the tru position of man in the area, Diversity and unity with in the community is vital to the protection of natural ecosystems in partnership with local communities and preserve the traditional.

Using aboveacationed and natural Services these areas to be preserved for current and  future generations. Miankaleh the save extent of Miankaleh wildlife refuge is recorded as one the countries nine Biosphere reserves. Miankaleh Biosphere reserve according to Edward classification , has been in moderate and  subtropical rainforest biome. Miankaleh biosphere reserve has a management plan and has a safe zone , protection Leisure and recreation in nature , scientific and Bumper.

Natural features of the area :

 Miankaleh wild life sanctuary is composed of both land and water habitats. Terrestrial habitat(Miankaleh peninsula) 

In a narrow strip with a length of 60km is drown on the southeastern edge of the Caspian sea water body of the shelter from the north to Miankaleh peninsula , from west to Ghalepalangan dike and from east to Bandar gaz and Bandar torkaman and from south is in vicinily of Behshahr and Galoogah city.

 Miankaleh peninsula itself is divided into several habitats which from the north to respectively included sandy beach and the east of Caspian sea ,Tooska forest strip Dunes, Anarestan, Sazil heath and sandy beaches”. the south of the peninsula which each of nice habitats itself are important in attaching support of animals population. Ashuoradeh peninsula is being at the bottom land and is separated by Khozani canal across the water in east, is Chapaghoghli and Khozaini.

channels through the left a are related to Caspian sea for this reason it is called the Gulf Miankaleh. changes in water depth and the presence and distribution of dry straw resulted in the distribution and abundance of species in the different body parts of Miankaleh. even some species of aquatic birds are found only in certain parts of the ponds Miankaleh.


Miankaleh wild life sanctuary in the north of Iran ,south of the Caspian sea between east geographic length of 52° 24′.8 to 54° 02’020 and north geographic length of 36° 57′ 26 to 36° 46′ 36 Miankaleh wildlife sanctuary with vastness two aqueous environments including bays and lagoons. Dry beach with 23800 acres vastness includes Miankaleh Island and small islands. Totally encompasses an area of 68800 acres which is allocated 2.8 percent of the total area of Mazandaran province. The plain is a narrow strip of land on the north face of the south east coast of the Caspian sea and to the south by the gulf waters and Miankaleh wetlands. 

The wetland from the north is neighbor to world’s largest lake from the south to Bandar torkaman and Gharesan village from south ,southeast and southwest is limited to Ghareh tape village Behshahr city , Galoogah city ,Bandar gaz ,Kordkuy and from the west is limited to Gharagharetoghan agricultural lands (Zaghmarz – yaqublengeh , Hoseynabad Amir abad , etc) also limited to trade and custom port of Amir abadZaghmarz.

The original climate:

Miankaleh wildlife area because of not having ups and downs in being near to aqueous environment of Caspian sea , has uniform climate and its climate change is very small which leads an influx of migratory birds in the area specially during the winter season. According to the findings of synoptic weather stations of Behshahr, Tirtash and Gorgan and weather station of Bandar torkaman .the annual rainfall of the area was estimated 531/83 mm.

The rainfall decreases from the west to the eastern regions. based on statistical analysis of meteorological use , the resulting proceeds during the months of February March minimum temperature and in June and July the maximum temperature. 

This figure also represents an increase in the rate of evapotranspiration from the west to the eastern regions of the study area. The original climate is classified according to Ambergh. Due to the home geneily range Miankaleh peninsula and the aquatic environment of the study area ,based on synoptic data specified “sub-humid temperature 

Geology :

 Miankaleh wildlife refuge (Aquatic and  terrestrial environments) is one of major regions of the Caspian sea Geology that is highly relevant to the current and past structure of the largest  in the world.

Miankaleh peninsula including geological zones that were formed during the Quaternary. 

Quaternary sedimentary facies as a series of meeting in region make up the gum margin. In addition 3 to 5 meter height difference across the peninsula and the geographical histories all indicate update on climate change , the evolution of the shape and morphology of the long , long peninsula . reviewing the natural trenches of Khozyni old channel in the eastern part of the peninsula, the marine type sedimentary structures are often accompanied by a gradual aggregation of their components considered.


The investigations included soil series lowlands (soil series Shahkileh and Zaghmarz) and seaside sands series (old and young dunes) been identified. Based on thestedy ,soils in different physiographic units are as follows :lowlands seaside lowlands (old) the shallow river allurium seaside lowlands (young) seaside dunes seaside young sands dunes. Old seaside dunes other lands , other lands include residential lands, swamp areas and ponds. 

Water resources : 

In addition to the Caspian sea, which is the main source of water supply for Miankaleh, part of the water entered into the Miankaleh wetlands supply from surface waters of 15 small and big basin which is located in the uppstream.

The waste water flows though channels and seasonal and permanent drainage and emptying itself into Gulf of Gorgan and Miankaleh wetlands Gorgan bay (by 4500 acres vastness) In addition to the water supply of the sub-basins and watershed of Gharesou which located upstream of wetlands, Gunter through the northeastern island Ashradeh-Chapaghoghli is connected to the Capsian sea with 700 meters wide ,so water level fluctuation in addition to effectiveness of the drainage basins upstream always is balance to the sea level. · Gorgan bay and Miankaleh wetlands each year is effect of the surface flows (at about 140000 acres ) at upstream watersheds and 165000 acres at Gharesan basin. Gharesou river that flows in Golestan province and is connected bay but at same points in the year do to different uses less water draingedto the bay. 

Vegetation : 

Previous studies about the vegetation showed that the plant formations of Miankaleh peninsula is of the three forms shrubbery , heath and grassland and is without three communities. Form shrubbery often made of pomegranate .In the central part keeps its natural growth specially in the western areas .heath forms in the central parts include species of raspberry Juncuslittoralis and Juncuslittoralis are alone or with other hydromorph herbs, have created a special cover, herbaceous formations Amidst the shrub species(pomegranate) and with raspberry field and Junceslittoralis and are mostly with herbaceous plants and one year forbs. On the other hand plant species found in the ereq shows that physical appearance and growth form in Miankaleh is composed of Therophytes and cryptophytes and chamophetes growth form is the lowest form of vegetation which is allocated in. In Miankaleh wildlife refuge 179 plant species were identified and about 36 species of it or 20.11% are psamophytes in the northern and eastern shores and south beach of Miankaleh peninsula have grown and 21 or 11.73% species of hydromorph species are in saline soils specially are in the southern region. According to study done by the list of red book(IUCN), of 179 species identified in the area 3 species are protected categories species that include : populous caspica, medicago orbicularis and linum album. Plants identified in the Miankaleh bays and lagoons divided into three groups Aquatic plants : those plants in the Miankaleh margins or bar ,and Golf Coast are wetlands grow and just have their roots in water they are:

 Miankaleh wildlife:

 Miankaleh wildlife encorn passes both the Miankaleh peninsula and lagoon which according to the type of vegetation , marshland proceeding and varies types of food . provides specific environmental conditions for different groups of wildlife .

ecologiz structure of Miankaleh lagoon and Gulf in terms of living conditions and nutritional resources and covers all the reedy wetland with sedge marshland tidal mud. species by different biological condition ranging from flamingo and diver ducks , as well as aquatic species such as plover , stint and related species in the straw including bitter and heron grow in the region. 

areas of the wetlands with dense vegetation and submerged and flooting plants in water with dense need and Louis ,sedges due to the abundant supply which including aquatic 1 species is a suitable habitat for Gray Goose , grebe fulicaAtra , Teal, Grey Heron, Greate white Heron and little egret Marsh harrier , wigeon , shoveler , Fern and other species of aquatic birds and flocks and also species of mammals reproductive location. Including other Felischaus Jamong sedge meadows. 

A part from the importance of the Miankaleh wildlife sanctuary for over wintering of large populations of varies species of migratory of water flow birds .this is the perfect habitat for nature birds and chicks and some bird species spend the summer. 

Caspian pheasant and Francolin are of the binding species of birds in this area which are seen among the scrubs and sedge meadows at the area and their trends status and represents a measure of a region’s conservation states.

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