Hormozgan, Bandar-e Khamir

The province of Hormozgan an area 68475.8 square Kilometers South of Iran and is located on the northern edges of the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. It includes 14 islands, about 40 large and small ports, and 11 townships. 

Bandar Abbas (center of the province), Bandar-e Lengeh, Bandare-e Khamir, Haji Abad, Abu Moussa, Minab, Jask, Roodan, Gavbandi, Bastak and Qeshm are the townships of this province.

Hormozgan has many historical monuments and tourist attractions. this section we will introduce Bandar-e Khamir township.

The township of Bandar-e Khamir is one of the towns on the coasts of Hormozgan province. It is 95 kilometers southwest of Bandar Abbas 26°57’ N and 55°34E. it is about 15 meters above sea level. Till 2004 Bandar-e Khamir was one of the cities of Bandar Abbas, but becoue of its special location, it was elevated to the level of township.

The climate of this town like the climate of the other towns in the soth shores is warm and humid in summers, and modereate in winters . it is thought that the name of this port has been “Jamir” in past times, which means the place  for people’s gathering.

 And the reason for this name may be because people used to gather in this place to perform religious rites or for fishing and catching pearls, and the name “Jamir” gradually has turned in to Khamir.

Bandar-e Khamir has 2 districts, 1 city and 4 rural districts .

The central district: city of Khamir, Bandarpol and Kehverestan rural districts.

Rooeedar district: Rooeedar  and Roodbar rural districts.

Historical monuments and tourist attractions

The Tower of Khamir Fortress

The fortress of Five-tower is one of the beautiful and historical fortresses of the province which has been ruined by the passage of time. Only one of its towers remain on the late Molla Soleiman-e Khamiri Boulevard North of the main mosque (Masjed-e Jaame) of the town.

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